Once you’ve chosen your texture pack, vetted it to check its game version, and downloaded and installed Optifine (if necessary), it’s time to drop your texture pack into the game - and I do mean drop!.Another thing they note is that several texture packs require Optifine, a Minecraft mod that improves texture algorithms, to work properly in your game. As WhimsyKitsune, the creator behind the video tutorial we linked, is sure to remind us, it’s important to be certain that each texture pack you download is compatible with your version of Minecraft.From sleek and modern to hyper-realistic and medieval, here’s a quick guide to adding texture and resource packs to Minecraft! Texture packs change the way everything looks, generally refreshing the overall appearance of items and blocks by stylizing them, often towards a specific theme. One of the easiest ways to customize and upgrade your adventures in Minecraft is to add a texture pack.